Integral Management of Organic Matter



BIOTEC designs, builds, implements, supervises, inoculate and commission its solutions on an industrial scale. 

Two modalities:

1. Full/partial turnkey:

BIOTEC is responsible for the entire project, from the design and construction of the plant to the commissioning.

As an option, the client can assume civil works and/or buy some equipment directly.

2. Integral Engineering (EPC-EPCM):

Includes: design, supervision of works, inoculation, start-up (commissioning). 

Can also include, as an option, a support for purchases and/or project management.


BIOTEC usually operates its plants for up to two years, or supports its clients in the routine operation all the time required. By this way, BIOTEC commits with the KPI for a long period and the client benefits from its experience and from technology upgrading year after year.

It is definitively more comfortable for (biogas, composting, fertigation or bio-drying) plants operators to have a permanent support from the designer (on-site or remote).

Two modalities:

  • Management:

BIOTEC participates in the operation with its own staff, leading and training the client’s team.

  • Supervision:

On-line monitoring (SCADA system) with periodical audits.

BIOTEC designs and builds with the operation in mind.


1. Conceptual engineering / Feasibility studies / Audits:

When a client is not defined in advance about the project to implement to treat and valorize effluents and waste, BIOTEC advises to hire a preliminary phase of “Conceptual engineering” to evaluate options, with their advantages, disadvantages and approximate costs, looking for the most appropriate to its specific case. This phase requires a wide experience of all available technologies and their costs. BIOTEC set-up two CONSULTANCY COMPANIES to do that specialized job.

See the window « CONSULTANCY » on this WEB site and the brochures and WEB sites of EVE (Effluents Valorization Engineering) and POME.

See Brochures “EVE”                                           See Brochures “POME”

2. CDM projects (Clean Development Mechanisms):

BIOTEC has been world leader on CDM projects for methane capture in the agro-industry between 2006 and 2012, during the Kyoto Protocol period, and in particular in the palm oil industry to reduce its Greenhouse Gases emissions.

Eight BIOTEC biogas projects have been registered by UNFCCC (United Nations) as CDM during that period, with an average methane capture of 40.000 tons CO2 per project per year.

The Eecopalsa project in Honduras (# 492 of the CDM list), commissioned by BIOTEC in August 2006, has been the first one for the palm oil industry. It has been operated by BIOTEC for five years, what means during all the KYOTO period. BIOTEC has therefore overseen the five annual audits, reaching every year the maximum number of CERs (Certificates) allowed by the PDD (Project Design Document).

See Document “CDM references”
